Certificates are typically sent within 48 hours of making your donation. Names added today will appear on the wheelhouse (top) of the lifeboat.

Launch a Memory

Celebrate the life of someone you love by adding their name to Exmouth’s lifeboat

What is Launch a Memory?

Remember a loved one you miss – or celebrate someone still with us – by adding their name to a very special all-weather lifeboat: Exmouth RNLI's Shannon.

There is a suggested donation of £50/€50 per name. Your kind donation will go towards our mission to save every one.

How Launch a Memory works

  1. 1

    Add your loved one's name

    Celebrate someone special by adding their name to the lifeboat. You can add up to 10 names using our easy online form. The suggested donation is £50/€50 per name.
  2. 2

    Keep an eye on your inbox

    We'll then email your confirmation once you've submitted your name(s), and then send regular updates about the lifeboat.
  3. 3

    Print your certificate

    Within 48 hours of signing up, we’ll email you a printable certificate in honour of your loved one(s). You’ll receive separate certificates for each name you’ve added.
  4. 4

    Leave a dedication

    Share your stories, pictures and thoughts on our special lifeboat dedications page, using the link in your confirmation email.
A Shannon class lifeboat with identifying number 13-03 on the roof of the wheelhouse showing how it will be made up of loved one's names

RNLI/Harrison Bates

Your loved one’s name will be added to the wheelhouse.

Add a name to the wheelhouse of the lifeboat

Your loved one’s name will be added to the numbers and letters on the wheelhouse (top) of the lifeboat. Their name will be alongside thousands of other precious names. Every time the lifeboat crew launch to the rescue, your loved one will be there with them.

Please note, the spaces in the numbers and letters on the sides of this lifeboat are now full.

A framed Launch a Memory certificate displayed on a tidy side table along side a candle and vase of colourful blooming flowers

A personalised gift certificate

You’ll automatically receive a personalised, digital gift certificate/s, in memory of each name you add, for you to download and print, and perhaps wrap for someone special.

The certificates will be in your email inbox with 48 hours of submitting your loved one's name(s).

Celebration Certificates

If you have gifted a Launch a Memory dedication for a loved one who is still with us, to celebrate their birthday, anniversary, or another special occasion, please email [email protected] after making your submission to receive a celebration certificate.

We'll share opportunities to see the lifeboat up close

Once you've made your donation and submitted your chosen name(s), we'll keep you informed about opportunities to see your loved one's name displayed on the lifeboat. This may be in Poole, and/or Exmouth (TBC). Tickets will be limited and not guaranteed for every supporter. We kindly ask that you don't contact the station about Launch a Memory or arrive hoping to see the lifeboat. Please contact [email protected] for any queries.

Watch this video and hear stories from supporters who have added names to our previous Launch a Memory lifeboats.

Frequently asked questions

Here are some answers to the top questions about Launch a Memory. See our full FAQs.

In general, names will be arranged in the order we receive them from supporters, but they’ll also be arranged in a way that best fits the shape of the decal. 

If you’d like to request that names within your submission are kept together, please email us at [email protected], and we will do our best to accommodate this – but this is not guaranteed.

The name will appear within the decal that forms the letters and numbers on the lifeboat, either on the side of the lifeboat or wheelhouse (top of the lifeboat). We are currently only accepting names for the wheelhouse.

We can accept:

  • More than one name per form submission. The online form allows up to 10 names to be added in one submission. 
  • Middle names – e.g. 'John David Smith'
  • Titles – e.g. 'Captain John Smith'

We are unable to accept:

  • Joint names – e.g. 'The Smiths' or 'John and Joan Smith' or 'John & Joan Smith'. If your submission includes joint names we'll get in touch to arrange an alternative solution.
  • Names that include special characters  e.g. 'John Smith!'
  • Submissions that have additional information such as numbers and locations  e.g. 'John Smith Plymouth 1952'
  • The name of a group or company  e.g. 'Plymouth RNLI Swimmers'

Absolutely. Although Launch a Memory is aimed at those with a loved one who is no longer with us, we have lots of supporters who add the name of someone who is still with us. We have had supporters add someone's name for a birthday present, anniversary and even a wedding gift!  

Feel free to add:

  • Your name
  • A living family member or friend that you hold dearly
  • The names of a couple for an anniversary or wedding gift. Please add as two separate names (you will receive two separate certificates).
  • The name of a beloved pet.
Celebration Certificates

If you are donating to celebrate a loved one, once you have submitted your name(s), you'll be given the opportunity to request a celebratory certificate via our Launch a Memory inbox. Please email [email protected] to request. 

As well as your loved one's name on the lifeboat, you'll receive:

  • A personalised digital certificate, per name submitted, to print and proudly display
  • Regular email updates
  • A link to an online 'name finder'
  • Access to a retail range specifically for your Launch a Memory lifeboat
  • A link to a special Exmouth lifeboat dedications page

Once you've made your donation and submitted your chosen name(s) and the campaign closes, we'll keep you informed about the possibility of attending an event in Poole to visit the lifeboat. But this is yet to be confirmed and subject to availability. 

We will also let you know about any opportunities to see the lifeboat In Exmouth in the future too. We kindly ask that you don't contact the station directly about Launch a Memory or arrive hoping to see the lifeboat.

If you have any questions about your lifeboat, please contact [email protected].

Exmouth is a working lifeboat station; we kindly ask that you don’t contact the station directly or turn up hoping to see the lifeboat.  

If you have any queries about Launch a Memory, please read our FAQs, email [email protected] or call our Supporter Experience Team on 0300 300 9905. Any opportunities to see the lifeboat in the future will be communicated to supporters via email, and the Launch a Memory Exmouth updates page.

Our Shannon's lifesaving legacy in numbers*

Add your loved one's name to Exmouth's all-weather lifeboat and help the crew to save more lives.

12 Lives saved

127 people aided

323 hours at sea

153 launches

*Correct as of September 2024

Updates on our Launch a Memory lifeboats

Exmouth's Shannon Class lifeboat on the sand with crew members
Exmouth updates
Read the latest updates on Exmouth launch a Memory lifeboat.
Exmouth updates
RNLI relief Shannon class lifeboat 'Erics Legend' moving through the water at speed, with waves spraying up in its wake.
Eric's Legend updates

Read the latest updates on the Launch a Memory relief lifeboat Eric’s Legend.

Eric's Legend updates
The Whitby Shannon class lifeboat moving through the water
Whitby updates
Read the latest updates on the Whitby Launch a Memory lifeboat.
Whitby Updates
A lifeboat docked in front of a building.
Anstruther updates
Read the latest updates on the Anstruther Launch a Memory lifeboat.
Anstruther updates
Wells next to Sea's Shannon class lifeboat moving through water with fenders deployed and RNLI people aboard, waving to the camera
Wells updates
Read the latest updates on the Wells Launch a Memory lifeboat.
Wells updates
Lifeboat on rough sea
Clifden updates
Read the latest updates on the Clifden Launch a Memory lifeboat.
Clifden updates
Invergordon lifeboat station's Shannon class lifeboat moving through the water with bunting displayed.
Invergordon updates
Read the latest updates on the Invergordon Launch a Memory lifeboat.
Invergordon updates

For more detail on Launch a Memory, read our Terms and Conditions


Bereavement support

If you are struggling and need support, please contact your GP or reach out to a support organisation such as:

Samaritans Ireland or Samaritans UK - call 116 123, 24 hours a day

Cruse Bereavement Support - call 0808 808 1677

Mind - call 0300 123 3393 (10am-6pm, Monday-Friday)


  • In the UK, text SHOUT to 85258 (24 hours)
  • In Ireland, text HELLO to 50808 (24 hours)

If you or someone else is in danger, call 999 or go to A&E now. If you’re in the UK and you need help urgently with your mental health, but it’s not an emergency, visit NHS 111 online or call 111.