Two volunteers are standing on a beach promenade. They are both smiling and wearing RNLI branded jackets. One of the volunteers is holding a notebook and a clipboard, and the other volunteer is holding a flask. There are two people walking on the promenade in the background.

Volunteer resources, guides and policies

Callum Robinson

Need a refresh on our latest policies and guides? Download them here.

From policies outlining our ways of working, to factsheets to help you share the RNLI’s lifesaving work with your community, here you’ll find a variety of resources to guide, support and protect you in your volunteer role. Can’t find what you’re looking for? Please get in touch with your volunteer manager.

If you’re a volunteer manager, there are also resources to help support you and the volunteers you manage, including the Volunteer Manager Handbook, recruitment guidelines, and workshops to help you develop your skills.

Policies and guides

  • A fundraising volunteer smiling at the camera. He is wearing an RNLI branded polo shirt and cap.
    Volunteering at the RNLI
    No matter how you volunteer with the RNLI, find useful resources to support you in your role, including statistics about the RNLI and policies for expenses and social media.
    Volunteering at the RNLI resources
  • Four volunteer crew members stood in a line wearing their crew kit. Three of them are holding their helmets. The sea is in the background.
    Equity, diversity and inclusion
    Find policies and useful documents about equity, diversity and inclusion to support you in your role as an RNLI volunteer.
    Equity, diversity and inclusion resources
  • A female crew member tying up a rope.
    Safety, health and environment
    Read our safety, health and environment policies to find out how you can go about your duties as part of your volunteering role safely.
    Safety, health and environment resources
  • A close-up of a female lifeguard looking through binoculars out to sea.
    Read our safeguarding resources for RNLI volunteers, which outlines our commitment to protecting and supporting people at risk so they can live free from harm, abuse and neglect.
    Safeguarding resources
  • A volunteer working on a computer. There is a model lifeboat on top of a filing cabinet in the background.
    Data protection
    Discover our policies about information and data protection, which are designed to support you as an RNLI volunteer and help you understand data protection guidelines.
    Data protection resources
  • A group of lifeboat station volunteers walking along a pebble beach at sunset.
    Raising organisational concerns
    Read our policy and guidance for raising organisational concerns as part of your role as an RNLI volunteer.
    Raising concerns resources
  • Two fundraising volunteers at a train station holding collection buckets. Members of the public are in the background.
    Find useful resources that will help you if your volunteering role involves handling donations, running a lottery, or working with local businesses.
    Donations resources

Volunteer manager resources

  • Close-up of a fundraising volunteer wearing an RNLI branded polo shirt and a light blue scarf.
    Volunteer Code of Conduct
    Read our Volunteer Code of Conduct and Volunteer Commitment documents to guide you and the RNLI volunteers you manage in your volunteering roles.
    Code of conduct resources
  • A Severn class lifeboat crashing through the waves.
    Volunteer Manager Handbook
    Discover the RNLI Volunteer Manager Handbook – the go-to guide for all aspects of volunteer management, from recruitment through to when they leave the RNLI.
    Get the volunteer manager handbook
  • A group of RNLI volunteers stood on the pavement outside the RNLI College in Poole.
    Discover a variety of resources to help you recruit new RNLI volunteers, from recruitment guidelines to materials for promoting new volunteering opportunities.
    Recruitment resources
  • Four people are in a training room at the RNLI College. Two people are sitting at office desks, and another man stands at the side of the room. They are watching a man present some training, and there is an RNLI branded presentation on the screen behind him.
    Read our induction resources for volunteer managers to help you welcome new volunteers to the RNLI. Discover a volunteer induction pack, an induction checklist, and more.
    Induction resources
  • Group shot of RNLI volunteer crew in ILB kit standing in the sea, shot in Lyme Regis
    Ongoing management
    Discover a list of resources to help you support the RNLI volunteers you manage, including guidance on volunteer reviews, succession planning, and more.
    Ongoing management resources
  • Volunteers gathered round a kitchen table writing things down on paper. On the table, there is a card with lifeboats on, as well as a mug with a lifeboat on.
    Problem solving
    Read the RNLI’s policy and handbook for problem solving, designed to help you manage the volunteer problem solving process to address any issues effectively and fairly.
    Problem solving resources
  • A close-up of a female lifeguard looking through binoculars out to sea.
    Read our safeguarding resources for RNLI volunteer managers to learn how to support the welfare and safety of the volunteers you manage.
    Safeguarding resources
  • Three people stood on the beach holding awards. There is an RNLI lifeguard vehicle behind them.
    Discover a variety of resources to help you recognise and celebrate RNLI volunteers, from awards to thank you cards.
    Recognition resources
  • A lifeboat powering out to sea at sunset.
    Find resources to help you manage an RNLI volunteer through the leaving process, such as a leaving checklist and a volunteer feedback form.
    Leaving resources
  • A group of volunteers wearing RNLI branded clothing stood on a sandy beach. There are boats on the water in the background.
    Volunteers' Week
    Here you’ll find a variety of resources to help you raise awareness of Volunteers’ Week and celebrate your volunteers’ achievements.
    Volunteers' week resources

Latest updates


There are different workshops to provide volunteer managers with the knowledge and skills to support their volunteers: 

  • recruitment, selection and induction
  • ongoing volunteer management and recognition
  • volunteer problem solving.

You can book onto these workshops on Learning Zone. If you don’t have access to Learning Zone, email the Volunteering Team to book your place.

If you have a new volunteer joining your team, they can sign up for a One Crew Welcome Session – head to Eventbrite for dates and details.

If you have any questions about workshops, contact the Volunteering Team.