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When you leave a gift in your Will to the RNLI, whatever the size, your generosity will be remembered. Because, as a special thank you, your name will be added to the side of a legacy lifeboat.

This will happen once your Will is administered, and the RNLI receives your kind legacy gift.

Your name, and the names of many other generous supporters, will appear within the letters and numbers that make up the legacy lifeboat’s identifying number, as shown in the photo above. This number appears on both sides of the lifeboat’s hull, meaning the lifeboat can carry around 10,000 names.

You’ll be right beside the crew as they save lives at sea, while your gift helps to bring them home safe.

How legacy lifeboats work

  1. 1

    You pledge a gift in your Will to the RNLI

    Your gift, whatever the size, will help save lives at sea. Tell us about your gift so we can send you a special thank you. 
  2. 2

    The RNLI receives your kind legacy gift

    When your Will is administered, we’ll receive your gift.
  3. 3

    Your name is added to a legacy lifeboat

    Once we've received your gift, your name – and the names of 10,000 generous supporters like you – will be lovingly added to the identifying number on either side of the legacy lifeboat. If you'd like to exclude your name, check out our FAQ 'Can I exclude my name from a legacy lifeboat?'.

  4. 4

    You’ll save lives alongside our lifeboat volunteers

    Whenever the legacy lifeboat launches to save lives at sea, you’ll be right beside its crew, while your gift helps to bring every one home safe. 
Launch a Memory event at the All-Weather Lifeboat Centre (ALC) in Poole. A hand points out a name, whilst another hand holds a phone and takes a photo. Members of the public viewing the  Shannon class lifeboat Eric's Legend 13-40, where the names of loved ones are printed on the lifeboat's decal.

How your name will be displayed on a legacy lifeboat

Your name will be spelt exactly as it appears in your Will. It will include your first name, any middle names, and surname. For example, ‘Joan Agatha Smith’. Titles such as Dr, Lady, and post-nominals (honours) such as CBE and MD, may be included.

Your name will appear within one of the letters or numbers that make up the legacy lifeboat’s identifying number. For example, RNLI 13-44, the lifeboat identifying number for the first legacy lifeboat. 

The lifeboat identifying number is a decal that is added to both sides of the lifeboat’s hull. Around 5,000 names can fit in these numbers and letters, so a legacy lifeboat can carry around 10,000 names. 

Frequently asked questions (FAQs)

Can I exclude my name from a legacy lifeboat?

Yes, if you want to leave a gift in your Will to the RNLI but prefer that your name is NOT added to a legacy lifeboat, we totally respect your wishes. Please contact our Gifts in Wills Team to let us know. 

How is a legacy lifeboat chosen? 

The RNLI takes great care and many factors into consideration when allocating lifeboats around the coast. Legacy lifeboats will be chosen using the same method.

When a lifeboat nears the end of its operational lifetime, the RNLI Asset Allocation Team carry out a thorough evaluation to determine the right replacement lifeboat. This takes into account the needs and demands of the surrounding coastline and the lifeboat service.

The estimated operational lifespan of an all-weather lifeboat is 25 years. The hardwearing stickers that display the lifeboat’s identifying number, and which will contain your name and the names of many other generous people, are expected to last up to 10 years, depending on wear and tear. 

What is the difference between a legacy lifeboat and a Launch a Memory lifeboat?

Legacy lifeboats

  • Your name is proudly displayed on the side of a legacy lifeboat by the RNLI as a special thank you for leaving a gift in your Will.
  • Your name is displayed within the identifying lifeboat number on either the port (left-hand) or starboard (right-hand) side of the lifeboat’s hull.
  • Your name is added once your Will is administered, and the RNLI receives your gift.
  • You can choose to exclude your name from a legacy lifeboat if you wish.  

Launch a Memory lifeboats

  • You can remember someone you miss, or celebrate someone still in your life, by adding their name to the side of a Launch a Memory lifeboat.
  • Your loved one’s name is displayed within the identifying lifeboat number on either the port (left-hand) or starboard (right-hand) side of the lifeboat’s hull, or on the top of the lifeboat (the wheelhouse roof).
  • You can add up to 10 names, with a suggested donation for each name. Get more details on our Launch a Memory page.
Shannon class lifeboat RNLI 13-44 in front of the All Weather Lifeboat Centre in Poole, UK

Our first legacy lifeboat

Read the latest updates for the legacy lifeboat, George and Frances Phelon. Here you can keep track of the boat’s progress, learn about the all-weather Shannon class and much more.

Terms and conditions

  1. We are expressing our thanks by adding the names to our lifeboats and reserve the right not to include names, without returning any legacy, for any reason we think is reasonable including if a Will is incomplete, lost, damaged or revoked.
  2. We won’t be liable for any loss suffered by anyone relating to their name, or any other name, appearing or not appearing on a lifeboat, or if a wrong name is included. 
  3. Neither you nor your executor will have any rights in the decal or any lifeboat as a result of your name being added to a decal which is fitted to the hull of a lifeboat. 
  4. In the event of a dispute the decision of the RNLI shall be final. 
For information about how the RNLI manages personal data, view our privacy policy.