Donate now

Your gift, whatever the size, is crucial to the future of the RNLI. Because 6 in 10 lifeboat launches are only possible thanks to kind gifts in Wills.

Your gift will be the protection our volunteer lifesavers need to save lives at sea and return home safely, such as their kit, their training, their lifeboats and their stations.

It will be your lasting legacy, because the lifesaving difference you’re making today will continue into the future, and for many years to come.

'I'll never forget what the RNLI did for me'

‘I was 21 when I jumped into the North Sea in a force-10 storm to save my 11-year-old cousin Davie. We’d been watching the waves when he got swept in. I held onto him before losing consciousness. Being face down in the water, one of the lifeboat crew from Dunbar jumped overboard to save me. They couldn’t find Davie.

‘I owe the lifeboat volunteers my life; my 50-year marriage, my three sons, my five grandchildren, and my career in education. It brings me great comfort to know that, with a gift in my Will, I’ll be helping to keep them safe at sea for years to come.’

An RNLI technician applying the lifeboat number RNLI 13-44 to the hull of the first legacy lifeboat. The number contains thousands of generous supporters’ names who all left a gift in their Will to the RNLI.

RNLI/Ashton Milton

Your name will appear in the letters and numbers that make up the identifying number of a future legacy lifeboat

Your name on a legacy lifeboat

When we receive your legacy gift, no matter how large or small, your generosity will be remembered. Because as a special thank you, your name, and the names of other generous supporters, will be added to the side of a future legacy lifeboat.

You’ll be right beside our brave lifeboat volunteers as they save lives at sea.

A woman reading the RNLI’s free guide to gifts in Wills with a cup of tea. There is a coffee table and rug on top of a wooden floor. She has short brown hair and is wearing a yellow cardigan over a dark top, dark jeans and dark-rimmed glasses.

Request your free guide to gifts in Wills

Learn how to write or update your Will and discover the difference your kind gift could make