Risky Business
Debate the pros and cons of risk taking and how it influences identity and friendship groups.
30 minutes
Optional: display equipment
Optional: printer
This spoken language activity challenges students to debate the subject of risk taking. It looks at the motivations for risky behaviour and whether it’s important for forming and strengthening friendship groups and identity.
Tell me more
Risk taking is a normal and vital part of human behaviour, but it’s important for young people to understand that sometimes we don’t calculate risks well and confidence or a lack of experience can impair our decision-making abilities. And that it can also have catastrophic effects on other people if someone they love takes a risk that causes them harm.
The activity provides opportunity for a group discussion and discussion in pairs – ideally between people with opposing views.
Curriculum links:
- England KS4&5, PSHE, Health & Wellbeing
- Northern Ireland KS4, LLW, Personal Development
- Republic of Ireland SPHE, Personal Safety
- Scotland Senior Phase
- Wales Health and well-being, Languages, literacy and communication
- Risky Business - Guidance notes - PDF 2.5MB
- Risky Business - Workshop slides - PDF 7.3MB

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