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Rescue Scene

Assume the role of detective and investigate the aftermath of a rescue scene.

RNLI Rescue Scene activity slides
  • 30 minutes
  • Optional: display equipment
  • Optional: printer
  • Stay together

This activity has been designed for students to work individually or with a partner, using interactive evidence boxes to piece together what happened.

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If available, ensure students have access to a laptop or tablet to view the screen. If not available, the activity can be completed as a class task, with the image viewed together on the class interactive whiteboard, if needed.

Students are provided with a rescue image and interactive evidence boxes. Have them gather information and piece together what happened by writing up a report using the Rescue Scene Incident Report worksheet.

Curriculum links: 

  • England KS3, PSHE Health & Wellbeing
  • Northern Ireland KS3, LLW, Personal Development
  • Republic of Ireland SPHE, Personal Safety
  • Scotland Third & Forth Level, PSE / HWB
  • Wales Health and well-being, Science and technology, Languages, literacy and communication

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