Image of volunteers wearing yellow raincoats stood under umbrellas with a collection bucket

How you can volunteer for the RNLI

The RNLI relies on volunteering to power its lifesaving service. From lifeboat crews to press officers, fundraisers to shop volunteers, people like you who help in all sorts of ways.

What volunteering roles are there at the RNLI?

If you want to get involved with the RNLI, then there are bound to be volunteering opportunities near you. From fundraising volunteers arranging collections in their community, to helping to launch, maintain and crew lifeboats at one of our 238 lifeboat stations, if you have the time and the commitment, you can help save lives at sea.

No matter what skills you have, the RNLI has a volunteering opportunity that needs your energy and enthusiasm.

We are one crew image of different face shots of RNLI volunteers and staff

Discover the latest volunteer roles

The RNLI Cheer Team shout encouragement at the marathon runners

Find more ways to volunteer

Why should I become an RNLI volunteer?

Without people like you, the RNLI couldn’t save lives at sea. You could be lifeboat crew out on a shout, or part of the shore crew launching the lifeboat. You could be a water safety volunteer sharing lifesaving skills with people of all ages. Or you could be a fundraiser helping to fund everything the charity needs in our vision to save every one we can.

There are some great benefits to becoming a volunteer.

  • You can meet new people
  • Learn new skills
  • Gain experience
  • Contribute to saving lives at sea
  • Giving back could help your mental health
  • Be a part of local communities

How do I become a volunteer?

We are so pleased you are ready to become a volunteer and share your passion for the lifesaving work we do at the RNLI. We can't wait to have you onboard.

  1. Find a role you find interesting and fill in our short application form.
  2. Hear back from us and have an informal chat.
  3. If the role is right for you, begin the onboarding process.
  4. Join our community of volunteers and help save lives at sea!

How will I be a part of the RNLI?

By becoming a volunteer with the RNLI, you join a lifesaving family. We are one crew, a community of dedicated, selfless people working together towards one vision – to save every one we can.

Every volunteering role is vital in achieving that goal.

Swim between the flags

Photo: RNLI/Will Dax

Safety messages in the sand at Perranporth Beach

Do I need to regularly commit to be a volunteer for the RNLI?

We understand that not everyone can volunteer with the RNLI on a regular basis. The good news is there are all sorts of volunteering opportunities available, with many different time requirements. If you can’t commit regularly, then there are more casual volunteer roles available.

A photo of a group of RNLI crew, lifeguards, fundraisers, and supporters celebrating with Stormy Stan in front of an Atlantic lifeboat

Volunteering opportunities

Take a look at our latest volunteer vacancies to see where you can put your skills, experience and passion to work to help the RNLI.

Volunteering roles

Group shot of RNLI volunteers stood outside Anstruther Lifeboat Station with their inshore and all-weather lifeboats and launch vehicles
Be a lifeboat station volunteer
From the shore to the lifeboat, there are a variety of volunteer roles at our lifeboat stations.
Be a lifeboat station volunteer
RNLI Lifeguard Hugo is smiling at the camera and is stood in front of the sea on Llangrannog Beach, Wales
Be a lifeguard volunteer
Use your skills as a qualified lifeguard or support our lifeguards on the beach.
Be a lifeguard volunteer
An RNLI water safety volunteer is holding a lifeboat crew helmet and teaching children about it
Be a water safety volunteer
Help make sure everyone gets to go home safely through education and water safety advice. 
Be a water safety volunteer
RNLI fundraising volunteer Suresh Bharwaney collecting at Waterloo train station.
Be a fundraising and events volunteer
Rally support, raise vital funds and join our fundraising volunteer crew
Be a fundraising and events volunteer
Shop volunteer Rosie holding teddy bears outside an RNLI shop
Be a shop volunteer
Our seaside shops can’t open without volunteers like you helping our charity.
Be a shop volunteer
RNLI ambassador Gerald Beddard volunteers as an RNLI College Tour Guide and a bosun
Promote the RNLI
Use your passion for the RNLI to promote our lifesaving work and inspire new supporters.
Promote the RNLI
Office support volunteer Samantha Salmond helps out in the RNLI’s People department
Be an office and support volunteer
Use your skills and talent behind the scenes to support our lifesaving service.
Be an office and support volunteer
RNLI heritage volunteers outside the RNLI Grace Darling Museum at Bamburgh, Northumberland
Be a heritage and museum volunteer
Fuel your passion for history and help keep our stories of courage and innovation alive.
Be a heritage and museum volunteer
RNLI relief Mersey class lifeboat, Lifetime Care 12-11, being transported by road to a temporary home
Be a trustee, advisory and council volunteer
Use your experience and expertise to support the running of the charity. 
Be a trustee, advisory and council volunteer
A group of men and women dressed in RNLI branded clothing are smiling and clapping their hands.
Quick ways to volunteer
Fancy volunteering but don’t have the time to commit to a role? We’ve got some quick, easy ways to support our lifesaving service. 
find out more