‘Every year about 17,000 children die here’
163 - Reaching Out: Dr Aminur Rahman
Dr Aminur Rahman on how his charity – supported by the RNLI – is tackling Bangladesh’s drowning problem.
In Bangladesh, water gives life, but it also destroys it. A survey carried out by pioneering safety charity, the CIPRB, found that 40 children were drowning daily – the majority lost in inland ponds. In this episode, the CIPRB’s Dr Aminur Rahman explains how the SwimSafe programme – delivered with the support of the RNLI – is tackling the horrifying loss of young lives in the country.
For more on SwimSafe and the other ways that the CIPRB is preventing drowning tragedies in Bangladesh – thanks to the work of remarkable women – take a look at our International Women's Day magazine article: RNLI.org/BhasaWomen