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A hand putting money into an RNLI Lifeboats fundraising bucket

Winscombe District Fundraising Branch

Our team of community fundraising volunteers in and around Winscombe devote their time to raising vital funds for the RNLI.

Contact us

Name: Allan Cooper

Role: Chairman

Email: [email protected]

Phone: 07852 992381

Branch information

This branch includes the area around Winscombe from Nailsea in the north through Winscombe south to Wedmore and east from Winscombe through Cheddar, Priddy, Wells, Shepton Mallet, Glastonbury to Street.

Our principle aims are raising money and the profile of the RNLI locally. In 2018 we celebrated our 50th Anniversary with a special Spectacular Firewalk that contributed to an Annual Total raised of £25,000. In particular, we like to raise funds for our local Lifeboat stations at Burnham-on-Sea and the New Lifeboat Station Facilities at Weston-Super-Mare but also for the whole RNLI lifeboats and lifeguards organisation.

Fundraising events include annual quiz, annual plant and garden sale, supper nights, folk and gospel concerts, day trips, village and town fairs, and garden centre and supermarket collections. The branch provides monthly copy about our activities to all the local parish and village magazines plus the two local newspapers and all the local village websites.

We are always looking for new volunteers and would love to hear from you.

Join our Facebook Group to find out more.

To increase our fundraising, we are looking for a dedicated crew of volunteers:

Branch Members

Volunteers who are willing to collect for an hour or more 1-3 times a year at a branch event local to you. 

Volunteers who are willing to support or organise a branch event during the year. This is a vital role and a very easy way to get involved.

Branch friends

People who are willing to help with the set-up or organisation of branch events. This is a great way to really get involved, without the formality of joining the committee.

Committee Members

Volunteers who are willing to help the branch on a formal basis and take on a specific role and responsibilities. The committee meets four times a year and the events are organised by a team of committee members and branch friends.

We need your help

  • Collecting for 1 hour 1-3 times/year at supermarkets and garden centres
  • Helping or organising social and fundraising events
  • Join the committee

Please contact the Chairman for opportunities at this branch or check our volunteering vacancies.

The branch committee meets four times a year. Contact us for more information. 


Like all Fundraising Branches, 2020 was a difficult year for us. The year started well with an excellent Quiz in Shipham Village Hall in January followed by a great Folk Night in Winscombe featuring Jez Lowe during February. Then came Lockdown 1.0, so we were forced to cancel our AGM, Plant & Garden Jumble Sale, two Folk Concerts, our Big Fish Supper, all Summer Fetes and all our Supermarket & Garden Centre Bucket Collections.

During the autumn we went from Tier 2 to Tier 3 but managed to fit in four Pop-Up Saturday Table Sales in Winscombe including a very successful Pop-Up Sale on Saturday 12th December. The sun shone that day so people came for a browse and the five tables raised £721 while the Christmas Cards and Souvenirs sold a further £287 making a grand total of £1,008 on the day. Then Lockdown 2.0 hit us and now Lockdown 3.0 will prevent anything until at least March.

Compared with 2019 and 2018 we raised less in 2020 due to national lockdowns but, nevertheless, the Branch end year total was a respectable £8,500 plus a further £1,000 from Card and Souvenir sales.

Events around Winscombe District Fundraising Branch