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A hand putting money into an RNLI Lifeboats fundraising bucket

Mudeford Fundraising Crew

Our team of community fundraising volunteers in and around Mudeford devote their time to raising vital funds for the RNLI.

Contact us

Name: Adele Orr

Role: Chairman

Email: [email protected]

Phone: 01202 011273

Additional contact

Name: Terry Melling

Role: Secretary

Branch information

Raising funds for the RNLI with a lifeboat station located close by at Mudeford Quay.

Mudeford is a few miles east of Christchurch and overlooking the Isle of Wight.

Our friendly volunteers extend a warm welcome to all supporters of the RNLI and we welcome new members and crew helpers.

Volunteer Fund Raisers

Events Organisers

Corporate Sponsors

Please contact the Secretary for opportunities at this crew or check our volunteering vacancies.

The Crew meets on the first Wednesday of the month, generally in the afternoon. Last year we tried having an evening meeting for members who can’t normally attend due to work commitments which proved successful, so we have included some further evening meetings for this year. A great way to meet up informally to chat about our programme of events, plan social activities and make new friends. New members are always greatly appreciated and welcomed, hope you can come and join us too.

Events around Mudeford Fundraising Crew

Exmouth Lifeboat Station open day
Mudeford Blue Light Day and Station Open Day
More Details