Coventry Fundraising Branch
Branch information
Despite being landlocked, Coventry has actually been linked with the Royal National Lifeboat Institution, the charity known for saving lives at sea, for over 125 years.
The Branch aims to undertake a number of fundraising activities such as collections, coffee mornings, and annual sales of Christmas cards/diaries/calendars, etc.
Our Community Presenters are always available to visit groups and societies to deliver a variety of talks whilst our Education Team offers water safety programmes for pre-school children, schools and youth groups.
There are 8760 hours in a year… can you spare just a couple of hours at some point during this year to help us? We are looking for volunteers who could help occasionally at events, or to help us with organising our events – helping could be as simple as making a cake for a coffee morning!
By supporting us you will help us with our vital fundraising work. Want to know more about the Coventry Fundraising Branch of the RNLI … just make contact!
We urgently need volunteers to help us at collections – can you give up one or two hours of your time to help save lives at sea?
If you would like to organise an event for us then please get in touch as we would love to support you.
New Committee members and general supporters are always welcome – we look forward to hearing from you and welcoming you to RNLI Coventry.
Publicity Officer – could you help organise our PR in the local area? Please get in touch as we would love to hear from you.
Events organiser - Can you help our branch organise events in the local area? Contact us for more information on this vital role.
Social Media Officer – Do you enjoy using Facebook and Twitter? Would you like to help us raise our profile locally? If so, we really would welcome your support.
Volunteer collectors – help us collect on our Flag Days and Supermarket collections. Did you know the RNLI was the first charity to hold a street collection? If you can spare one or two hours, come and help us raise money to save lives at sea.
Branch Treasurer - help us manage branch finances.
Please contact the Secretary for opportunities at this branch or check our volunteering vacancies.
The Committee meets on the first Monday of each month – if you would like to join us then do get in touch.