Weston-super-Mare Lifeboat Station
Now operating two inshore lifeboats in the Severn estuary, Weston-super-Mare originally operated the first motor lifeboat to be placed on the Somerset coast. The station has been presented with six awards for gallantry.

Latest lifeboat launch
Visitor information and facilities
Station address
Weston-super-Mare RNLI
Knightstone Boathouse
Knightstone Road
BS23 2BE
Station phone number
01934 613912 (unmanned)
Visiting times
Visits are subject to volunteer availability and may be arranged by appointment.
Visitor contact email address
Press Enquiries
Lifeboat Press Officer - [email protected]
Deputy Lifeboat Press Officer - [email protected]
Lifeboat Operations Manager
Christopher Ware
[email protected]