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A hand putting money into an RNLI Lifeboats fundraising bucket

Salisbury, Wilton and District Fundraising Branch

Our team of community fundraising volunteers in and around Salisbury and Wilton devote their time to raising vital funds for the RNLI.

Contact us

Name: Ray Stedman

Role: Chairman

Email: [email protected]

Phone: 07900 493215

Branch information

The Salisbury Wilton & District Branch is a volunteer run, fundraising branch covering the area approximately within a 15 mile radius of Salisbury. In 2022 we raised £11,600 and we hope to increase that amount in 2023. The Mudeford Lifeboat is our nearest station at the mouth of the river Avon which runs through Salisbury, and they attend in excess of 60 shouts a year. This station is the main focus for our fundraising and money raised by the branch goes to support their lifesaving work.  Crew members from Mudeford regularly attend our events to tell us about their activities and to explain how the money we raise is used.

We arrange various events throughout the year and raise a considerable amount from collection boxes in over 80 pubs and shops throughout the area.  A regular event is our well attended charity Golf Day at High Place Golf Club in the autumn.

We would like to find new supporters in Salisbury and the surrounding area to help promote and support the activities of the branch, and to assist our collection box secretary to manage the boxes in pubs and shops. If you are interested in joining the team or simply receiving our regular newsletters regarding our fundraising activities and other RNLI news,  please contact our Chairperson at [email protected] or 07900 493215.

Committee Members
The committee meets about 4 times a year. We are looking for additional members from Salisbury and to the east of the city, which is currently under-represented. Please contact Ray Stedman via email [email protected] or phone 07900 493215

Volunteer Ambassadors
Our branch covers a large area and we are looking for Ambassadors both in the City and surrounding villages to help promote the work of the branch. This is a new initiative and we envisage that the activities of the Ambassadors would include representing the branch in their area, helping with the management of the collection boxes and distributing promotional material about our events. If you wanted to organise an open garden event or a fish supper to support the RNLI Mayday appeal that would be great too. If you are interested please contact Ray Stedman via email [email protected] or phone 07900 493215

Assistant Box Secretary
To assist our Collection Box Secretary, Tony Lunt. We have over 80 boxes in pubs, clubs and shops and they are contributing about 25% of our fundraising. The work would include keeping up-to-date records and contacting existing and new box venues. Please contact Tony on [email protected] or 01722 714317

Please contact the Chairman for opportunities at this branch or check our volunteering vacancies.

Our confirmed fundraising events from June to December 2024 are as follows:

Friday 21 June

200th Anniversary Sea Shanty concert, Wilton  parish church – Tickets from Eventbrite

Friday 12 July

Summer Garden Party, Wilton House – Tickets from Eventbrite

Monday 16 September

Charity Golf Match, High Post Golf Club – contact Ray Stedman for entry forms

Saturday 12 October

Street collection and stall in Charter Market, including Christmas gifts, Salisbury

For further details of any of these events, please contact Ray Stedman, Chairman, [email protected], 07900 493215.

Please also contact us to be added to the mailing list for details of all future events and other fundraising news.

Events around Salisbury, Wilton and District Fundraising Branch