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A hand putting money into an RNLI Lifeboats fundraising bucket

Farnham and District Fundraising Branch

Our team of community fundraising volunteers in and around Farnham devote their time to raising vital funds for the RNLI.

Contact us

Name: Mr Nigel Cuthbert

Role: Chairman

Email: [email protected]

Phone: 07768 517447

Branch information

Farnham and District Branch is a well-established group of fundraisers with major achievements in funding a Thames Lifeboat and Hayling Island Lifeboat Station. The branch has excellent support from the local residents and traders.

We like to fundraise for the RNLI in ways that ensure everyone involved has fun. Some of our popular and regular events include a quiz night and two or more street collections a year. Each year we also try to introduce a new fundraising event such as a talk from an Around the World sailor or a Wine Bluff with supper.

Our success is thanks to the generosity and support of our volunteers, however we are keen for anyone that would like to join us and bring new ideas to widen our fundraising opportunities.

One off volunteers are needed to join our pool of helpers that give an hour to collect at events such as our flag days.

Event Coordinators: Individuals to help run or organise events; particularly if you can introduce new ideas and followers.

Committee or sub-committee members to take a long term interest in the running and development of Farnham and District Branch.

If you have any interest in volunteering with us please do contact us. We are sure we could find a role to fit you.

Branch Secretary

We are currently seeking a Branch Secretary to provide support and help to our branch. As the primary point of contact between the branch and the Volunteer Experience Team you will play a key role in ensuring effective communication by:-

  • Distributing information to branch members
  • Taking notes at meetings
  • Placing printing and materials orders

You will be highly organised and efficient, used to meeting deadlines and have an enthusiasm for assisting at fundraising events and activities.  You will also have the opportunity to develop your own fundraising ideas with the support of the other branch members.

Whether you have experience in administration or secretarial work or you want to develop such skills this could be a role for you. This is a great opportunity to really make a difference by raising vital funds for our volunteer crew members and lifeguards. It would be very useful if you lived in the Farnham area as local contacts are always welcome.

Please contact the Volunteer Experience Team on [email protected] or 0300 300 0128 if you are interested in finding out more or check our volunteering vacancies.

The Committee meetings are held four times a year for planning forthcoming events. The meetings are semi-formal in a relaxed and friendly environment.

Committee members meet separately with event volunteer coordinators to provide the full support of local and national RNLI resources.

Events around Farnham and District Fundraising Branch