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A hand putting money into an RNLI Lifeboats fundraising bucket

Cambridge and District Fundraising Branch

Our team of community fundraising volunteers in and around Cambridge devote their time to raising vital funds for the RNLI.

Contact us

Name: Geoffrey Heathcock

Role: Branch Chairman

Email: [email protected]

Phone: 01223 244901

Phone: 07523 418468

Branch information

Re-launched in December 2012 we have a variety of activities including Burns Night, Irish Celebration, Brass Band Concert, Collections at various Stores and attendance at Community Events.

We sell a range of goods locally including stationery, jig-saws, tea-towels and seasonal goods like Christmas cards.

Events Co-ordinator

Please contact the Chairman for opportunities at this branch or check our volunteering vacancies.

Committee meeting approximately every 6-8 weeks

Events around Cambridge and District Fundraising Branch