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A hand putting money into an RNLI Lifeboats fundraising bucket

Bridport and District Branch

Our team of community fundraising volunteers in and around Bridport and District devote their time to raising vital funds for the RNLI.

Contact us

Name: Mr Steve Hilleard

Role: Committee Member 

Telephone: 07885 427426

Branch information

Bridport & District Branch of the RNLI has been fund raising since the 70’s. We are local volunteers committed to raising awareness and funds to help support the lifeboats, who rescue anyone in peril on the sea.

Our two main events of the year are the Raft Race in West Bay & Seatown BBQ which we have held since 1987. The latter being our biggest fundraiser thanks to all our volunteers and visitors each year.

The only financial support comes from public donations, wills and its branch network.

If you would like to help keep the lifeboats afloat come and join us or attend an event.

We hold monthly meetings at the Haddon House Hotel at 7pm on the first Monday of every month.

Events around Bridport and District Branch