Barry And The Vale Branch
Contact us
Name: Margaret McMillan
Role: Treasurer
Email: [email protected]
Telephone: 07923540950
Additional Contact
Name: Avril Kitchen
Role: Chairperson
Telephone: 07854400986
Branch information
The Barry Fundraising Group are a dedicated team who are always looking for new and enthusiastic people to join them, either by participating in future events, providing fundraising ideas or offering locations for collection boxes. The Barry Dock Lifeboat is very prominent within the area and is regularly seen on the waters around the Vale of Glamorgan coastline where the beaches and channel are extremely busy all year round.
The RNLI Lifeguards have also become a strong addition to area and keeping our beaches safe especially here at Whitmore Bay. Together they aim to keep swimmers, fishermen, sailors and the local public alike safe both on the coast and at sea. The Barry Fundraising Group work hard in raising the profile and increasing funds for the station.
Just one good deed can make all the difference
Would you like to do something truly worthwhile with your free time for the RNLI?
We are looking for support with our local events.
We would love to hear from you and welcome you onboard.
See our poster (PDF - 716KB) for current vacancies.
Please contact the Chairperson for opportunities at this branch or check our volunteering vacancies.
Fundraising Branch Meetings are held on the first Tuesday of every month at 7:30pm at the RNLI Barry Dock Boathouse.