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Young lifesaver Theo Pulman on the 200 Voices podcast
200 Voices an RNLI podcast

‘I told him that everything was going to be okay’

Episode 122 – Young Lifesaver: Theo Pulman

When 12-year-old Theo Pulman spotted a friend struggling in the water, he remembered the RNLI’s float-to-live advice.

It was the school summer holidays. Theo and his friends were enjoying a day at Burry Port Beach, when one of Theo’s friends got into difficulty in the sea. Dashing into the water to help the boy, Theo asked another friend to call 999.

Theo talks about the advice he gave the boy: stay calm and float like a starfish – lifesaving advice his grandfather, Deputy Launch Authority at Burry Port, had passed on. His grandfather is just one of three in Theo’s family at Burry Port RNLI – and if Theo’s brilliant quick-thinking actions are anything to go by, the young lifesaver will one day likely join them.

In another episode from our 200 Voices series, Tina Powsey remembered to float like a starfish when she and her friend got into trouble in the water. Listen to Tina’s podcast episode to find out how the RNLI's Float to Live advice saved their lives.
