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Celebrating 50 years of the B class lifeboat

This month, we’re celebrating half a century of this iconic lifeboat – the B class – the fastest and busiest lifeboat on the coast.

Star Wars, pocket calculators and bicycle helmets weren’t the only game changers of the 1970s. In 1972, the D class lifeboat was joined by a new breed of inshore lifeboat. One that was bigger, faster and stronger. Fifty years later, the B class has become the busiest and most dependable lifeboat in the RNLI fleet, saving almost 10,000 lives.

Watch the video to learn more about this legendary lifeboat:

The invention of the RIB 50 years ago has saved the lives of thousands of sailors around the world. And, with you behind us, the B class Atlantic lifeboats will no doubt go from strength to strength, helping us in our mission to save every one.
