Our lifeguards prepare patrol for Camber Sands
Today we have lifeguards starting their training at Camber Sands ahead of their first full summer season on the Sussex beach.
Already qualified as beach lifeguards, the team will be starting a two-week induction programme at Camber Sands that covers advanced first aid, search and rescue techniques and local risks and hazards.
We are providing a seasonal lifeguard service in the popular seaside location following a formal request from Rother District Council. In previous years the Council provided a beach patrol service. This year, RNLI’s lifeguards will be working alongside the Council’s beach patrol.
Peter Dawes, RNLI Lifesaving Service Manager, says:
‘The RNLI provides lifeguards on over 240 beaches in the UK and Channel Island and we’re fully committed to helping visitors to Camber Sands enjoy the beach safely. Our lifeguards will be on hand to give advice and rescue those in difficulty if needed.’
The team of RNLI lifeguards will operate from beach lifeguard units located at Camber Sands Central and Camber Sands West. Four lifeguards will patrol on Camber Sands Central from 10am – 6pm, seven days a week from Saturday 27 May until Sunday 1 October. A further two lifeguards will patrol at Camber Sands West from 10am – 6pm seven days a week from Saturday 8 July until Sunday 10 September.
Peter continued: ‘Our lifeguards are highly skilled with world class training and equipment, which means they are ready to help prevent incidents and to respond if people do get into difficulty in the water.’
In 2016, RNLI lifeguards on 227 beaches around the UK dealt with 17,414 incidents and helped 20,538 people. Incidents ranged from slips, trips and stings to more serious water-based rescues. In total they saved 127 lives overall.
Joe Mitchell, RNLI Lifeguard Supervisor, says:
‘Lifeguards have a demanding job requiring commitment, skill and a high level of fitness, and we have a great team ready to patrol Camber Sands. They’ve already completed a high standard of training and fitness tests, and these next two weeks are about really familiarising themselves with this beach.
‘They will use a variety of equipment including rescue boards, inshore rescue watercraft and vehicles where appropriate, so training is essential. But a key part of their work is prevention so they will be asking people to respect the water and be offering advice on how to stay safe by learning about rip currents, tides and other local dangers.’