
Contact our Gifts in Wills Team
Write your simple Will for free and protect lifesavers like Patch at sea
By writing or updating your simple Will for free*, you can help RNLI lifesavers like Patch stay safe when they launch to rescue in an emergency. 'When people need our help, we're there' - crew members like him will be answering the call for help.
Six in ten lifeboat launches are only possible thanks to gifts in Wills. After you’ve looked after your loved ones, will you consider leaving a gift in your Will to the RNLI?*For more complex Wills, a solicitor will speak to you about any potential costs beforehand, so you won’t suddenly face an unexpected bill.
Write your Will for free
To write your Will for free with our Will-writing partner Capacity Marketing, complete our short online form. You'll then be sent details of solicitors local to you in 5 working days, and you can book your appointment direct with your solicitor of choice.