‘They were so willing to put their lives on the line’
Episode 87 – Connor Freeman: Losing My Best Friend
Connor Freeman remembers Tyler Westlake.
When the sea started to get choppy while Tyler Westlake and his two friends were fishing, they decided to move to a better spot. But before they had the chance to, out of nowhere, a huge wave crashed on top of them. Tyler’s friends managed to stay on the rocks. But when they looked around, Tyler was gone.
RNLI crews did everything they could to find Tyler. But after a 2-day search, Tyler’s best friend, Connor Freeman, received the heartbreaking news that no friend should ever have to hear. In this episode, Connor tells the devastating story of how he lost his best pal to the sea. But he also explains how Tyler’s story has given him a newfound appreciation for selfless RNLI volunteers.
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