‘If they like the cut of your jib you may be in there quicker than you think’
Episode 12 – Pulled Across the Pond: JoJo Mains
The RNLI is what happens to you when you’re making other plans – ex-US-Coast-Guarder JoJo Mains on why he dropped anchor in the UK.
After 24 years with the United States Coast Guard, JoJo Mains gave up chasing drug-smugglers and chased a new adventure instead – joining the RNLI. Castles, he expected. Self-righting boats and volunteers, he didn’t. Find out why the RNLI holds a little magical place in his life.
Another RNLI staff member has crossed the Atlantic – but in the opposite direction, and under rather different steam. Find out how with Dave Whiddon in Episode 57.
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