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'My gift will keep them safe'

Find out how a gift in your Will could be a lifesaver.

6 in 10 lifeboat launches are only possible thanks to gifts in Wills from supporters. By leaving a gift in your Will to the RNLI, you’ll be helping to provide our lifesavers with what they need to save lives. 

The equipment that protects them when they head out in all conditions to rescue those in danger. It’s the training that turns eager volunteers into skilled lifesavers. Even the lifeboats themselves. All are only possible thanks to the generosity of supporters like you. 

Watch the video below to find out how a gift in your Will to the RNLI could be so important. 

Your legacy will save lives 

If you choose to leave a gift to the RNLI in your Will, then your generosity will never be forgotten. When we receive your gift, your name will be added to the side of a lifeboat. So when the brave lifeboat volunteers launch to the rescue, you will be right there with them. And when someone in peril sees the lifeboat arrive to rescue them, your name will be one of the first things they see. A symbol of how your generosity powered that lifeboat to save their life. 

If you'd like to find out more about how you can leave a lifesaving legacy, request your free Gifts in Wills guide today. Any gift, large or small, is greatly appreciated.