Saving Lives at Sea: Series 6 Episode 9
Find out more about the stories behind the rescues featured in episode 9 of Saving Lives at Sea series 6. Featuring lifeboat crews from St Davids, Dun Laoghaire, New Brighton, Poole and Tobermory.
‘You don't really want to think about what could've happened’
In this week’s episode, we saw the crew at New Brighton searching for a man drifting out to sea across the mouth of the River Mersey. One of three incidents the crew tackled that day. What is it like to be part of a busy lifeboat crew? We spoke to crew member Nicky to hear first-hand how it feels to be a lifesaver.
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St Davids: Injured trawlerman
In the opening rescue of the episode, we saw the crew at St Davids go to the aid of a badly burnt crew member onboard a trawler. St Davids is one of the most featured stations in Saving Lives at Sea. Hear from Crew Member Mike Chant as he talks about a rescue featured in last year’s series.
Warning: This video contains flickering, flashing or blinking content.
Dun Laoghaire: Paddleboarder rescue
Dun Laoghaire lifeboat crew were seen racing to the rescue of a paddleboarder in distress. This wasn’t the first time the crew at Dun Laoghaire launched to aid someone on a paddleboard. Read the dramatic rescue story from January 2019.
Poole: Fallen walker
In this episode, we also saw Poole lifeboat crew help a woman who had fallen from a coastal path. Just how do ordinary people become extraordinary lifesavers? Hear stories from crew around the UK and Ireland on how they became volunteers for the RNLI.
Tobermory: 11-hour tow
In the final rescue of the episode, we saw Tobermory taking part in an epic tow of a stricken fishing vessel. You might think 11 hours must be the longest ever rescue for a lifeboat crew, but long journeys out to sea are common for some crews around the coast. Watch the video below to hear the story of the furthest rescue in RNLI history.
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