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Creative ways to raise money from home

In these strange new times we’re living in, you’ve probably found yourself facing problems that need a bit of creativity to solve. Perhaps you’ve had to make a tasty meal without the chopped tomatoes you’d usually rely on, or you’ve suddenly become your child’s maths teacher. 

We know the feeling of having to think outside the box – creativity and innovation are at the heart of the RNLI. Throughout our 196-year history, we’ve continually found ways to improve and develop our lifeboats and crew kit to keep our volunteers safe. And our supporters are just as ingenious! Back in 1891, a small group of supporters changed the face of fundraising forever when they organised the world’s first recorded charity street collection. Volunteers carrying buckets followed a parade of bands, floats and lifeboats through the streets of Manchester. On that day, over £5,000 was donated to support the widows and children of lifeboat crew members who had been lost at sea.

And today? We're having to fundraise from home

The world’s first street collection, for the RNLI, in Manchester, 1891
The world’s first street collection for the RNLI, in Manchester, 1891.

It’s the work of our amazing fundraisers that powers our lifesaving service. They provide the kit, lifeboats and fuel needed to launch to the rescue. But right now, we’re facing a problem. Our fundraising events are cancelled, our museums and shops are shut, and our stations are closed to visitors. With our crews still saving lives at sea day and night, we need your support. 

It’s time to get creative!

Many of us are at home with more time on our hands than usual, so now is a great opportunity to get creative and fundraise differently. Maybe you could think of a fundraising activity you’ve done before and take it online. If you enjoy cake sales, why not organise a competition with your friends online? Ask them to donate to enter and then post a photo of their cake online. The tastiest looking cake wins!

Or make the most of your daily exercise by setting yourself a running or cycling challenge and asking people to sponsor you on a JustGiving page. 

If you want to get really creative, you could even hold an online event over a video chat platform with your friends. Dig through your wardrobe and find your best black-tie attire or hold a fancy-dress competition! Simply ask for a donation to enter, and then enjoy a fun evening from the comfort and safety of your own home. 

Rising to the occasion 

A young boy called George Buck is smiling at the camera

RNLI/Peter Barker

George Buck at the foot of ‘Mount Snowdon’ – his stairs at home

10-year-old George Buck has certainly risen to the occasion! As part of his Cub Chief Scout Award, he needed to climb Mount Snowdon. But due to coronavirus, it was cancelled. So he decided to get creative and take on the challenge at home, raising money for Margate RNLI while he did it. George scaled his staircase at home 475 times, the equivalent of Mount Snowdon. 

He started out with a fundraising target of £25, but George has already raised almost £900! He is looking forward to presenting his money to Margate Lifeboat Station when the lockdown is lifted. 

With a bit of creativity, there are so many ways you can continue to fundraise. So what are you waiting for? 
