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A hand putting money into an RNLI Lifeboats fundraising bucket

West Bridgford Fundraising Branch

Our team of community fundraising volunteers in and around West Bridgford devote their time to raising vital funds for the RNLI.

Contact us

Name: Mrs Janet Gibbons

Role: Branch Secretary

Email: [email protected]

Branch information

The branch, originally started in 1971, has a long tradition of great local support despite the fact that we are almost as far away from the sea as it is possible to be. We have about 70 members who receive regular branch newsletters and we raise about £12,000 a year.

Our fundraising activities include supermarket and street collections, Autumn and Spring Fairs, quiz-sheet competitions, barbecues, a charity auction and collecting boxes placed in businesses and private homes.

Our events are publicised locally so look out for us and come along and support and/or join us, you would be very welcome.


Are you able to help with collections in the West Bridgford area? We would like you to join our branch fundraising team.

Do you have retail management experience? Could you order and store stock and run our Souvenir stall at the Spring and Autumn Fairs and at one or two other events? Please get in touch if you think this is for you.

Are you an eBay expert? We would like someone to sell donated items via the internet to raise funds for the RNLI.

Please contact the Secretary for opportunities at this branch or check our volunteering vacancies.

Please contact us to find out about our meetings.

Events around West Bridgford Fundraising Branch