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A hand putting money into an RNLI Lifeboats fundraising bucket

Telford Fundraising Branch

Our team of community fundraising volunteers in and around Telford devote their time to raising vital funds for the RNLI.

Contact us

Find out more about this branch and how to get involved - contact your nearest Community Fundraising office.

Name: Ann Mcgladdery

Role: Secretary

Email: [email protected]

Phone: 07835 975228

Branch information

We are a small RNLI fundraising group who carry out street collections and take a stall to local shows throughout the year.

We always need support for our local store and street collections – can you spare an hour or two – please contact Kevin Southgate for more information. If you would like to organise an event in aid of the RNLI then please get in touch.

Please contact the Secretary for opportunities at this branch or check our volunteering vacancies.

We meet every six weeks to discuss upcoming events. If you would like to join us then please call Kevin on 01952 614151 or email [email protected] – we would love to meet you.

Events around Telford Fundraising Branch