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A hand putting money into an RNLI Lifeboats fundraising bucket

Durham Fundraising Branch

Our team of community fundraising volunteers in and around Durham devote their time to raising vital funds for the RNLI.

Contact us

Name: David Hastings

Role: Hon. Secretary

Phone: 01913857291

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Branch information

The Durham Branch of the RNLI is a small but highly effective, award-winning, inland fundraising Branch, based in the City of Durham and organising fundraising events in the County Durham, Washington and Newcastle areas.

Durham Branch has organised over 500 activities in the last 19 years to promote, and help raise funds for, the RNLI, which have contributed to the Branch raising over £360,000 in that time.

Durham Branch also has a growing reputation for helping other RNLI Branches, Guilds and Lifeboat Stations with their fundraising events, mainly across the north east of England, but we have also helped as far afield as Belfast, Falmouth, Galway and Liverpool..

Innovative fundraising ideas are always being tried out to increase the amounts raised for the RNLI (which relies on voluntary contributions and legacies for its income) – the most successful being Betty's 5p Pots, which has now been adopted by the RNLI nationwide.

David Hastings is our RNLI Community Presenter. He has successfully given over 165 informative and entertaining presentations to adult groups in the north east, to organisations such as Women's Institutes, Rotary Clubs and other service organisations; local history societies and medical support groups, to name but a few..

He also gives presentations by Zoom to groups around the country and is now on the National Speakers List for Rotary Great Britain and Ireland. If your group is looking for a speaker for any of your meetings, please do not hesitate to get in touch to discuss your requirements..

Durham Branch is very keen to hear from new volunteers who would like to join us (even if they only have a little time to spare) and contribute new ideas to our FUNdraising!.

We look forward to hearing from you.

We are a small Committee which would welcome new members. We would also welcome anyone with an hour or two to spare occasionally to help us with street and store collections or our fundraising with Betty's 5p Pots.

Please contact the Secretary for opportunities at this branch or check our volunteering vacancies.

Meetings are held in the Newton Grange pub, Newton Hall, Durham, DH1 5SA - please contact us for more information.

Events around Durham Fundraising Branch