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A hand putting money into an RNLI Lifeboats fundraising bucket

Bromley West Wickham and Hayes Fundraising Branch

Our team of community fundraising volunteers in and around Bromley West, Wickham and Hayes devote their time to raising vital funds for the RNLI.

Contact us

Name: Jennifer Peel

Role: Chairman

Email: [email protected]

Phone: 07484 794144

Branch information

The Bromley West Wickham and Hayes Branch of the RNLI is active in the local community, raising funds for the saving of lives at sea, on the River Thames,
and the provision of life-guards on many of our beaches. Our prime focus is working with young people.

Can you can help us in creating/organising events or spare an hour or two occasionally doing a collection, or maybe a sponsored walk, cycle ride, or other physical activity?

What's in it for me?

  • Knowing you are making a difference in the local community
  • Meeting other young people
  • The opportunity of having some adventure/fun
  • Lifeboat Station visits
  • Enhancing your CV

If you would like to know more about joining our friendly group, please see our contact details at the top of the page.

Latest fundraising activity

We are asking supporters to fill small jam jars with 5p coins, and are delighted that COOK West Wickham are kindly helping us with this fundraising initiative. 

  1. Please visit COOK, 77 High Street, West Wickham BR4 0LS and ask for a RNLI jar and fill it with 5p coins
  2. When full, please return to COOK West Wickham

A big thank you for your support.

Social Media

You can now keep up to date with everything by following us on Twitter and Facebook by searching for RNLI Bromley, WW & Hayes.

Join us

If you would like to join our friendly group, visit a lifeboat station, or help us to raise vital funds for lifeboats (the busiest lifeboat station in the country is only 13 miles away), get in touch with us.

We are currently recruiting for the following vacancies:

Please contact the Chairman for more information about opportunities at this branch or check our volunteering vacancies.

The branch has committee meetings every 4-6 weeks in West Wickham (with the exception of August and December).

Events around Bromley West Wickham and Hayes Fundraising Branch