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A hand putting money into an RNLI Lifeboats fundraising bucket

Biggleswade Fundraising Branch

Our team of community fundraising volunteers in and around Biggleswade devote their time to raising vital funds for the RNLI.

Contact us

Name: Mrs Rita Beaumont

Role: Branch Secretary

Email: [email protected]

Phone: 01234 401475

Additional contact

Name: Tony Loin

Role: Branch Committee Member

Email: [email protected]

Phone: 07879 630933

Branch information

The branch was formed in 1980 and includes members from a wide area of Bedfordshire including Bedford Borough which gives us a lot of scope for action.

Our activities include regular bucket collections in town centres, at supermarkets, garden centres, souvenir sales at fairs and events, talks to groups and schools and an annual fund raising dinner.

Some members take opportunities created by their leisure or work activities to raise extra funds.

A recent initiative of placing 'Betty's 5p Pots' in a local restaurant has been a very successful and we are now looking for more places to offer the pots to customers.

2018 has been a particularly active and successful year for us so we have stepped up our recruitment drive in order to sustain and increase our fundraising efforts.

If you are interested in helping to save lives at sea but short of time please understand that any level of help is useful. If you have the time to hold a bucket and collect for two hours, even just once a year, you will be making a valued contribution. If you have more time you could sign up for more collections, become involved in other branch activities, or maybe you could help initiate some new ideas to develop our work.

You can check out some of the work of the branch on our Facebook Page RNLI Biggleswade Branch.

Just one good deed can make all the difference

Would you like to do something truly worthwhile with your free time for the RNLI? 

We are looking for support with our local events.

We would love to hear from you and welcome you onboard.

Please contact the Secretary for opportunities at this branch or check our volunteering vacancies.

Currently meeting quarterly in local community hall with the occasional 'social' gathering. We participate in box collections, souvenir sales at 'country' events and a flag day with a tombola at every opportunity.

Events around Biggleswade Fundraising Branch

Money being donated into a collection box
An Evening of Shanties, Sea Songs and Laughter
More Details